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Hey guys,


Welcome to my site! To sum myself up in a couple words, what would I say? Spiritual. Adventure. Celebration. Food. 


In brief, I’m a Melbourne based model, presenter and little business opportunist. 


Modelling has kept me busy since the tender age of 15! I have worked for multiple designers and fashion brands, including photographic and runway work, for the likes of Alex Perry, Steven Khalil, David Jones, Myer, Lisa Marie Fernandez and numerous fashion weeks, just to name a few. Alongside various magazine editorials, I am grateful to call this my full time job. 


My passion lies in sharing ideas that ignite curiosity in people. This is why I started my blog Tess Talks, where I write about issues, ideas and controversial topics which may not be commonly spoken about in public. We live on this beautiful planet, which has so many deep, some dark, yet incredible and phenomenal secrets and mysteries. I find a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfilment when I explore these ideas, and various spiritual teachings. I believe we have a great deal to learn from each and every religion that exists. After all, everyone is after the same goal, to have purpose, and to feel love. We are all connected in this way, so I find great pleasure in discussing how we all achieve this. I think it's important to question the world around us. This is healthy, discussion is progressive. I want to explore these topics with you, so check out some of my posts here


My motto is ‘Transform Now, Avoid the Rush Later.’ Which basically means, be aware of yourself and how you can be the best version of you - In turn, then the life around you that it creates. There is no better time than now to create changes you want or need.


Not only writing about these topics, I would definitely call myself a foodie… or more like “food addict.” From there developed nibblit App, which recommends the best cafes and restaurants tailored to your dietaries. 


For all model and talent enquiries, contact

Felicity at The Talent Buro

To contact me directly click 'here'


With love,



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